Our Mission
Royal Rosarian Key Values:
We are Ambassadors of Goodwill
The Royal Rosarians are the official greeters and goodwill Ambassadors for the City of Portland promoting the best interests of the City of Portland and the Portland Rose Festival.
We are dedicated to Community Service
The Royal Rosarians are a volunteer organization that are dedicated to community service in charitable projects through our charitable arm of the Royal Rosarian Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization.
We honor our legacy of Tradition
The Royal Rosarians honor our legacy of tradition and are a historically significant organization with a rich heritage of ceremonial pageantry that enhances the image of the City of Roses.
Royal Rosarians welcome visiting dignitaries from around the world, host hundreds of out-of-town visitors, march in parades throughout the region, and perform ceremonial rose plantings in honor of worthy individuals both in Portland and during Rosarian ambassadorial trips to distant cities throughout the world. Organized in 1912, the Royal Rosarians are a non-profit, civic organization. All services rendered by its members are gratuitous.
Contact Us:
Royal Rosarians
PO Box 6915
Portland, Oregon 97228-6915
For assistance or further information please call or email the Royal Rosarians at:
Telephone: (971) 266-1852
Email: info@royalrosarians.com